With the 1990 Gazette taking a hiatus, before being reabsorbed into the newly purchased COMPUTE, I thought I'd go finishing going back to issues 1-10 and plucking out the screenshots (of the games I'll probably never type in) and generally looking for interesting cultural bits of the era.
All games are for both C64 and VIC-20 unless otherwise noted.
December 1983
John Doering, Programmer |
Spike (C64) - Eric Brandon
Roam around a diagonal grid, using "sonar" to help encircle the one containing a C64 icon, and avoiding spikes.
Space Duel - Andy Hayes
A rare paddle-based game (which makes up for the VIC-20 only having one joystick port.) Players shoot lasers at each other.
Bowling Champ - Joseph Ganci
Looks a bit like bowling for the Atari 2600.
Saucer Shooter (VIC-20) - Ron Watts
The description reads a lot like
November 1984's Jump!, with a flying craft doing damage to the terrain your land-based gun is traveling over, except there's no jumping.
January 1984
Cave-In (VIC-20) - Paul L. Bupp and Stephen P. Drop
Get out of the 3D maze, fire button for map. Wonder why they didn't port it.
Hardhat Climber - Chris Lesher
Girders, ladders. rolling and falling barrels? Huh.
Tetracrystals of Veluria - Todd Heimarck
"Nonviolent, noncompetitive"- seems a bit like a fractal/A-life growing kit.
Canyon Cruiser - Thomas Catsburg
Descend through a narrowing tunnel.
February 1984
Steve Punter, Programmer |
Haunted Mansion - Calvin Overhulser
Cat rescue! Looks rather kid friendly, you only lose points for running into the ghosts and bats.
Astro-PANIC! (C64) - Charles Brannon
React - Don Whitaker
Collect the prizes, avoid your own tail and the leering smiley guards. Not sure if the smilies move.
Checkers - Fred Hambrecht
March 1984
CUT-OFF! - Tom R. Halfhill
Again we see that adding an exclamation point to the name of a lame game doesn't help. 2 Person surround. "This concept dates back to the early days of videogames" says the article- no kidding?
Trenchfire - Don Gibson
Suspiciously similar to Intellivision's
Star Strike, but even more Star Wars looking.
Poker - August J. Kwitowski
April 1984
The final pre-disk Editor's Notes glosses over Tramiel's resignation and talks about the pricing of the disks (the disks have been the topic of the previous two Notes) viz a viz copy protection and piracy.
Nevets - Steven R. McCloskey
I think this game might be less interesting than it looks - move your gun mount up/down/left/right and stop the marauders.
Bingo 64 (C64) - Richard L. Witkover
Bingo. Ugh.
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